Thursday, August 26, 2010

oasis winery

Oasis winery - TMZ has abstruse White House affair alien Tareq Salahi had a altercation with badge just a few weeks ago -- afterwards his own mother alleged the cops, claiming he was arrest at the ancestors winery.


According to the badge report, acquired by TMZ, it all went down at the Oasis Winery in Virginia -- a abode Tareq's parents founded aback in 1977. Tareq and his parents accept been at war over Oasis for years, because his parents affirmation Tareq ran the winery into the arena and again approved to baffle with the auction of the property.

But on July 27th -- Tareq's mom alleged the Fauquier County Sheriff's Office in Virginia and appear that her son was arrest on the acreage ... and was "changing the locks on the doors to the winery, and possibly removing items from the building."

Once badge arrived, Tareq -- who now stars on "The Real Housewives of Washington D.C." -- brash the admiral that he still has an accommodation amid aloft the winery and should be accustomed to access his residence.

Cops bent that Tareq was appropriate ... and he was accustomed to access the apartment. The bearings concluded after added incident.

As for the winery -- Tareq's mother told badge it's still complex in defalcation proceedings.

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